Bodhi Tree Special School

Our Mission:



We give Children with disabilities a living, educational home to better integrate into Indian Society and remove the barriers of persecution and social injustice. To not only be their best, but to bring out the best in the people they love.


Our Mission

To provide an educational and life skills school for the most needy of Indian's Disabled Children. By caring, nurturing and educating Children with disabilities, we prepare them for adulthood and leading a life of caring and service for their own community.

We want Social Justice for the Children, working with their families & Community to break down the stigma of disability. To normalise the different and accept it is our differences that make us truly human.


Our Success

A comprehensive Medical & Social Worker team develop our programs. Evidenced by the growing confidence of the Children to take on their world and make a positive contribution to society.


Dalai Lama

An inspiration for us all

In the spirit of love and striving for Social Justice, the Dalai Lama recognised the need for such a school, striving for education and the equitable development of social justice. In Late 2016, his gracious gift of US$1,500 enables the school to start operations and take in the first group of disabled children.


Rotary Club

Years Serving communities

There is no organisation as credible as the Rotary Club. The Rotary Club of Albert Park, Melbourne provided the foundation for donations; working closely with the Bodhi Tree Foundation. 


"Founding 50"

Make a Difference that counts

Be one of the 'Founding 50' Partners and have a real and personal impact on the School's success and the amazing progress of these truly special Children. 

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Programs & Support

Bodhi Tree Special School has been designed as a living, educational home. Not just for education, but with Psychologists and Doctors to address the mental & physical scares of persecution; often by their own family. Our programs bring out the loving personalities of the children, teaching basic life skills to change the communities perception from 'outcast' to 'valued contributor'. 


Many children are outcast from families who are unable to cope. Parent Counselling has demonstrated to the local community how love and acceptance gives these Children normality in their life. Education also acts as a change agent for Indian society.

Nutrition & Exercise

Even a Nutritionist is on hand to ensure medications and nutritional menus go hand in hand. A balanced menu is matched by Physical balance through Yoga, with music therapies and expertise from the Indian Govt.  Department of Physiotherapy.


Certification by the Indian Government allows the children & their family to travel for free in India. A critical element in giving them families freedom and normalising experiences.

Medical support

The School works with a multidisciplinary team with specialists ranging from Psycho-Social Education to General Medical Practice. Their work includes mental and physical assessment; an important element in providing Government Certification for the children. 


All Children learn how to “play well with others.” Even without a disability, they'll encounter a hurdle or two. For our Special Children, we’ve designed Learning Modules to turn  insurmountable obstacles into life skills. Programs teach how to recognize & identify feelings and how to respond in positive, emotionally healthy, and self-loving ways. Social skills and Self Esteem improve, producing a more emotionally intelligent mindset.


Dalai Lama

“Only the development of compassion and understanding for others can bring us the tranquility and happiness we all seek.”



Be a 'Founding 50' Partner

Being a 'success' means you have many options about how to help those in need, anywhere in the world. But rarely do you have the chance to have a direct and lasting impact on a small, underprivileged, yet most deserving group of Children.

Our Goal is simple: Find 50 Amazing Donors that can provide ongoing support for the development and success of the School. To demonstrate positive change and social justice is truly possible.

For just $100/ month, you'll make a difference to the lives of these special children and their families whilst demonstrating that inclusion for the disabled is taking place.


From one week to many months, make visiting India a time to treasure and remember for the rest of your life.

Want to know more?

Just call or email Antoinette to find out how supporting this wonderful School is a priceless & generous gift.

Make a Donation

Be one of the 'Founding 50' Partners or give a special amount. Every donation is tax deductible.